新書發表New Release :Jacques Gernet Die Begegnung Chinas mit dem Christentum



_________________ Vol. LXII ________________

 Jacques Gernet

Die Begegnung Chinas

mit dem Christentum


New German edition

With Supplements and Index

Edited by Roman Malek


Institut Monumenta Serica ¨ Steyler Verlag, Sankt Augustin 2012

xx, 413 pp., Ill., EUR 48.00

ISBN 978-3-8050-0603-3 ¨ ISSN 0179-261X


How did Chinese literati of the 17th century react to the “Doctrine of the Lord of Heaven” (Tian­zhujiao)? How did they cope with Christian notions as creator, original sin, or eternal soul? Jacques Gernet’s seminal work Chine et christianisme, action et réaction (1982, English translation China and the Christian Impact, 1985) aimed at exploring the Chinese understanding of Christianity during the time of its early dissemination in China through Jesuit missionaries, but also highlights cases of misunderstanding and principal incomprehension in this intercultural encounter. For this purpose Gernet exploited a wealth of Chinese sources, writings of Chinese Christian converts as well as those of adversaries or enemies of the Christian faith, e.g., Buddhist monks. He has thus decisively changed Western research on the history of Christianity in China and replaced the formerly dominant Eurocentric perspective.

With the publication of this new German edition the Monumenta Serica Institute closes a gap, as the original German translation Christus kam bis nach China. Eine erste Begegnung und ihr Scheitern (Christ came as far as China. An initial encounter and its failure, 1984) has long been out of print. The present scholarly edition under the new title Die Begegnung China mit dem Christentum (China’s En­counter with Christianity) incorporates changes made by the author for the revised French edition of 1990. In addition, comprehensive supplements provide insights into the reception of Gernet’s book. A detailed index including Chinese characters helps to provide access to the abundant information presented therein.

Fields of interest: History and Historiography of Christianity in China, Sinology, Religious Studies, Intercultural Studies

Contents: Preface to the new German edition – Jacques Gernet: Preface to the revised French edition (1990) – Introduction – Sources – I. From sympathy to hostility – II. Religious attitudes and the phenomena of assimilation – III. Religion and politics – IV. Chinese morality and Christian morality – V. Chinese Heaven, Christian God – Afterword to the first German edition by Jean-Pierre Voiret

Supplements: Jacques Gernet: The first Chinese reactions to European culture – Heinrich Dumoulin sj: The answer of the Chinese – The early Jesuit Mission: an attempt at incul­turation – Heinrich Busch svd: Jacques Gernet and his theses

Book reviews by Nicolas Standaert, Julia Ching, Paul A. Cohen, Keith Pratt and Wu Xiaolong

Bibliography – Index with Glossary


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